Hey, this is Alex. I am a recent Computer Science graduate from the University of California, Riverside. I'm currently actively seeking software engineering new grad roles!
Aside from computer science, I find myself passionate about a multitude of other hobbies. To name a few, I enjoy watching the NBA and my favorite player LeBron James, finding new music on Spotify, and trying out new food spots around the area. (Hover on my picture for a cool effect!)
Used C++ to implement a simple version of a shell that has the ability to read and execute user inputted commands. Upon receiving an input from user, I used the boost library to implement a tokenizer function. Then, a simplified shunting-yard algorithm was used to help us parse the user commands into postfix notation. The final product is able to execute basic shell commands and can handle the logic of multiple commands being entered using connectors such as "&&" and "||". Github link below!
This is it! For this website, I first self-taught myself by watching tutorials on HTML and CSS and then setting out to create my own website. Along the way, I learned to implement a few parts of Bootstrap, including the Scrollspy effect, buttons, and the column system that it has to offer. Overall, this is a fun project that allowed me to explore a bit more of a creative side. I will be looking to add to this website and will be updating it as I continue to learn new skills and technologies. Github link below!
One of my main hobbies is taking and editing photos. I'm still a rookie when it comes to it, but am learning to improve as I go. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures I've taken so far in my free time.
As stated previously, I definitely enjoy trying out new food spots! I decided to compile a few of my favorite food spots on this map (including a wide variety of different places) that I recommend around my area.